The response for the coat drive was overwhelming. Coats were collected on the weekends from Saturday, September 14th, through Sunday, October 26th.Donations received were over 400 coats in addition to hats, gloves and scarves. Coats were not only contributed by individuals; the Knights of Columbus and Catholic Charities also contributed to the drive. We received monetary donations from individuals and a donation of $400 from St. John Neumann PADS. THANK YOU.
Thirty-three families were given coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Each family member received three to five NEW coats.
Our Religious Education students Evan Mackel, Jack Van Etten with his father Michael, Amy Garcia with her mother Fatima, Alex Marlo, Max Marlo, Grayson Woodbury with his mother, Eli Estrada, Josie Robles, and Kennedy Vega all donated their time over the three weekends in sorting and distributing the coats to our neighbors in need. Our SVDP associate members, Emeridge Johnson and Christopher Middleton, also assisted on the weekends. Jim Bova, with the PADS ministry and Tom Brabec, extended the invitation to other organizations to donate to our cause. These individuals helped to make this coat drive successful. THANK YOU.
There were some items that were slightly used. We donated these items to other organizations with one being the Monday Night Meals group at the St. Anne annex. The PADS office in Chicago Heights received the balance of the new coats. Shoes, pants and coats were donated to Goodwill.
We also had a donor who provided us with turkeys to give to families on Saturday morning. They were delivered to us first thing Saturday morning. These private donors were also given our heartfelt thank you. We provided each family with a turkey along with a gas gift card.
We wish to thank our pastor Fr. Edmond for his ongoing support and the staff of St. John Neumann.
Thank you is not big enough for all of the support we received for this coat drive.
YOUR FATHER KNOWS YOUR NEEDS BEFORE YOU ASK HIM -Matt 6:8. We asked and our God gave us the desires of our heart.
SVDP Coat Drive Committee
Joanne Middleton, Committee Lead, Cheryl Cruikshank-Harris, Jama Dowdy, Jasmine Dowdy, Debra Johnson and DeLores Mannes