Spring Food Drive Saturday, April 1st 9am-11am St. John Neumann -North Pariking Lot
In the gospel from the 1st Monday of Lent, Matthew 25, Jesus tells us “Inherit the kingdom prepared for you….I was hungry and you gave me food….whatever you did for the least brothers of mine you did for me.” We are at the midpoint of Lent and have the opportunity to answer the call of the gospel. The food drive for the Catholic Charities Food Pantry at St. Irenaeus campus is April 1 in St. John Neumann parking lot (St. Joseph Church campus). The pantry is open to anyone in Cook County. As of March, the added SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps) that were given in response to COVID have been discontinued, which significantly reduced monthly family benefits. Therefore, the services of the pantry will be even more essential. Our drive has always been very successful due to the generosity of the community. Thank you in advance. If you would rather donate cash or a check (payable to St. Irenaeus Catholic Charities Food Pantry), the volunteers will deliver it to the pantry staff. Foods that are especially needed (some other supplies come from Greater Chicago Food Depository): Canned peaches, pineapple or mandarin oranges, potato, rice or pasta side dishes, pasta sauce, canned chicken or meat, jelly, cold cereal or packages of instant oatmeal packets.