For Kids from South Suburban PADS and St Anne/St Emeric/St Joseph St Vincent de Paul Conferences. The Parish of St. John Neumann along with other community volunteers will be collecting school supplies for 65 school-aged students on:
Saturday, August 5th 9:00am - 11:00am St. John Neumann Parish, 17951 Dixie Highway, Homewood North Parking Lot -- Enter North Driveway Supplies Needed Include:
·Backpacks ·Glue sticks ·Headphones ·Notebooks ·Pencils ·Post It Notes ·Pencils cases ·Index Cards ·Pens ·Loose leaf paper ·Colored Pencils ·Three ring binders ·Highlighters ·Small bottles of hand sanitizer ·Markers ·Small box of tissues ·Crayons · Target Gift cards · Rulers ·70 Page Spiral notebooks ·Two pocket folders Place donations in bags or boxes in your trunk, drive in, pop trunk… we’ll do the rest.