The family of the Parish of St. John Neumann offers you our sympathy, together with the assurance of our prayers as you grieve the death of your loved one.
We want to do all we can to support, console, and assist you at this difficult and busy time. Since the funeral rites of the Catholic Church will occupy a central place in the days ahead, we offer you the assistance of our Bereavement Ministry to guide you through the Funeral Mass.
The funeral of a Christian is meant to commend the deceased to God’s merciful love, to offer God worship, praise and thanksgiving for the gift of his or her life, and to bring hope and consolation to the living through the Word of God and the sacrament of the Eucharist. Your involvement in planning the funeral liturgy will express more closely and powerfully your faith in Jesus Christ which still binds you to your loved one and to the members of the Church.
One of the members of our Bereavement Ministry will contact you to set up a meeting to assist you in the Funeral Mass preparation.
Our Bereavement Minister will assist you with the following:
READINGS FROM SACRED SCRIPTURE:An Old Testament Reading and a New Testament Reading need to be selected. You may choose readers to read these 2 readings. The musician will select and the choir will sing the Psalm Refrain, and the Presiding Priest will select and proclaim the Gospel.
INTERCESSIONS: These prayers invite all to call upon God’s help for ourselves and for those who have died. You will be asked to choose one from a selection of 3. You may invite a family member or friend to read the petitions. If no reader is available, the priest or deacon will offer the petitions.
MUSIC: You will be assisted to choose 4 (or 5) Songs: Entrance Hymn, Offertory Hymn, Communion Hymn, and Closing Hymn, and an Optional Meditation Hymn.
PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS: Please choose two family members or friends to present the bread and wine to be consecrated in the Eucharist.
REFLECTION: A friend or relative may offer a brief reflection about the deceased. PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY ONE PERSON MAY SPEAK, AND THAT THE REMARKS MUST BE LIMITED TO 3-5 MINUTES.
The Priests, Deacons, Staff, and Bereavement Ministry of the Parish of Saint John Neumann