The keynote speakers for the Archdiocesan Day of Renewal on Sept 25, 2023 spoke on the necessity of building the new reality in our parishes in order to foster an encounter with Christ among our parishioners. For our Lenten Mission this year, we will have the opportunity to watch the video of Cardinal Cupich and Fr. John Riccardo.
Monday, March 11, 7:oopm Fr. John Riccardo Gaining clarity on our mission as disciples Fr. John Riccardo Fr. Riccardo is a missionary and ACTS XXIX Executive Director. He was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit in 1996. In 2019, after 23 years in parish ministry, he founded Acts XXIX to proclaim the gospel in an attractive and compelling way and to equip clergy and lay leaders for the age in which God has chosen us to live. Fr. John is a graduate of the University of Michigan, the Gregorian University and the Pope John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family.