The next Food Drive for the Catholic Charities Food Pantry will be on Saturday, June 24, 9am-11am, north parking lot at St. Joseph Campus. The pantry routinely serves 100-150 families a week and our generosity is greatly appreciated. Due to supplies received from other sources, some items are abundant and not really needed at this time. We requested a list of needed/not needed items so we can be the greatest help to our neighbors. NEEDED: Raisins, canned cream soups (not tomato) rice, pasta or potato side dishes, spaghetti, pasta sauce, dry cereal, canned peaches, mandarin oranges or pineapple, cream style corn (no other vegetables), jelly. Families with children who are willing to donate a couple of hours of their time to help with this collection. Please bring yourselves, your children, your food donation and your willingness to devote your time to help on this day. This is a memorable way to instruct your family in the highlight of our Catholic values: SERVICE to others. Remember that “The Lord Loves a Cheerful Giver.”We can’t do it without you! NOT NEEDED at this time: canned chili, tuna, chicken, pork; peanut butter. As always, checks (payable to Catholic Charities) or cash can also be given to volunteers at the collection. Food is distributed each week on Monday mornings (except holidays) and Thursday afternoon and is available to all people who come to the pantry at St. Irenaeus in Park Forest.