Please consider making an ongoing gift to our parish
If you would like to consider signing up for electronic giving to St. Joseph, online donations can be made using credit or debit card through GiveCentral. You can also sign up for ACH Debit Program, where your pledged contribution is automatically withdrawn from your savings or checking account.
GiveCentral (credit/debit cards)
St. Joseph Parish — ACH Debit Authorization Form _______________________________________________________________________ (Name of Financial Institution) _______________________________________________________________________ (Address of Financial Institution -Branch, City, State & Zip) _______________________________________________________________________ (Signature) (Date) ________________________________________ (LAST 4 DIGITS OF SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER) _______________________________________________________________________ (Name—PLEASE PRINT) _______________________________________________________________________ (Address—PLEASE PRINT) DEBIT AMOUNT:___________ FREQUENCY: 1st Monday of the month______ or 1st and 3rd Monday of the month______ Checking/Savings Account Number:_________________________________________ Financial Institution Routing Number:________________________________________ Please attach a voided cancelled check. If you have any questions, please call the rectory office at 708-798-0622. Thank you for your continued support. |