Your Opinion Matters!!! We are almost at our one year anniversary as St. John Neumann Parish! So much has happened in the last year – thanks to so many people from the 3 legacy parishes who are working as a team to create the New Reality! One of those teams is the Unification Committee. This committee has the task of assisting Fr. Edmond in creating a firm foundation for mission and evangelization in the parish. You are an important part of this formation process. We need your ideas and your participation. If you have a concern, an idea, or an issue you would like to have answered or considered by the Unification Committee, we ask you to please contact rectory office and one of the members listed below will call you. Or, if you wish, you can place your idea, concern, etc. in writing into the collection basket or place it in the Parish Office mailbox. Your question or concern will be carefully considered and we will get back to you! We are all in this process together! Thank you and may you have a blessed day! Caitlin Amescua Mary Ellen Brabec Elaine Bulanda Mike Cap Jerry Henderson Serena Hewitt Andria Holsclaw Bill O’Brien Mary Paetsch Erin Roeper Toni Rountree Ginny Williamson