Directions to sign up for GiveCentral Online Giving
If you would like to consider signing up for electronic giving to St. Joseph, online donations can be made using credit or debit card through
2. Choose the type of donation you’d like to make (for example: Sunday Contribution).
3. Fill in fields (amount, frequency, etc). Then click add to basket.
4. After you’ve added all the contributions (you can set them up for one time or weekly, monthly, etc), please click Checkout.
5. Click Continue if you’ve completed choosing your donations.
6. Please click Complete Profile.
a. You may give as a guest as well, but if you complete the profile you will be able to login and make adjustments as well as print your donation statements for any online contributions you made.
7. Fill in all your information, as well as payment information.
a. You can have donations be paid via a credit card.
8. Accept the policy.
9. Then click Register and Confirm Gift.
10. If you have any questions please call St. Joseph’s rectory office at 708-798-0622.