Around fifteen years ago, Cardinal George created the Christifidelis Award to be presented to archdiocesan parishioners nominated by their parish staffs because of their faithfulness and generosity to their church communities. This year’s award ceremony took place last Sunday at Holy Name Cathedral and I was privileged, as always, to attend with this year’s awardee from St. Joseph, Emmet Cassidy, along with members of his family and about a thousand other folks.
Those who are nominated for this award are always grateful, but always feel that they don’t deserve it, and Emmet is no exception. As I’ve told Christifidelis recipients since the award was first established, I wouldn’t want someone to receive it who did feel deserving of it, because the very nature of faithful service in the Church excludes an expectation of acclamation or reward. But Emmet is one of those parishioners—and there are so many more—who is truly “faithful to Christ”, particularly in his leadership of our St. Vincent de Paul Society which provides the resources and support needed and sought by people in our community, whether parishioners or non-parishioners. Not only does Emmet ensure that this important ministry continues to thrive, but he is also extraordinarily conscientious in monitoring and reporting to me on the status of the financial resources maintained by this important parish group.
So, when you see Emmet, please thank him for all that he does—but don’t make too big a deal of it because he is, as I said, as modest about his service as are all Christifidelis awardees. I’m certainly grateful to him and to all of those who serve our parish in so many ways. And this is probably a good time to put an exclamation point on our recent Stewardship appeal weekend. While not everyone has the time or energy to become involved in a particular ministry, there’s still time to consider if there might be something you feel called to do in service to our parish community. Copies of our Stewardship booklet can be found on the tables in the rear of church; and if the response forms are no longer there, you can simply call the rectory and indicate the ministry in which you’d like to become involved or about which you’d like to learn more.
Finally, please continue to be generous in contributing to our St. Vincent de Paul Society by using the envelopes you’ll find in your bi-monthly envelope packets or by making use of electronic giving thru our parish website. Those who will benefit from your generosity will be truly grateful.
Fr. Bob
Emmet Cassidy receives the Christifidelis Award Medallion from Cardinal Blase Cupich.
Emmet Cassidy accepts the Christifidelis Award Certificate from Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Perry at Holy Name Cathedral.